Ek:İngilizce 1000 temel sözcük
Bu sayfada bir kullanıcı çalışma yapmaktadır. Siz de yardım etmek isterseniz çalışmaların çakışmaması için çalışmayı başlatan kişiyle iletişime geçiniz. Sayfanın geçmişinden çalışanları görebilirsiniz. Üzerinde yedi günden uzun süre değişiklik yapılmayan ve hata içermeyen sayfalardan bu uyarı kaldırılmalıdır. |
[değiştir]- a
- about
- above
- across
- act
- actor
- active
- activity
- add
- afraid
- after
- again
- age
- ago
- agree
- air
- all
- alone
- along
- already
- always
- am
- amount
- an
- and
- angry
- another
- answer
- any
- anyone
- anything
- anytime
- appear
- apple
- are
- area
- arm
- army
- around
- arrive
- art
- as
- ask
- at
- attack
- aunt
- autumn
- away
[değiştir]- baby
- base
- back
- bad
- bag
- ball
- bank
- basket
- bath
- be
- bean
- bear
- beautiful
- beer
- bed
- bedroom
- behave
- before
- begin
- behind
- bell
- below
- besides
- best
- better
- between
- big
- bird
- birth
- birthday
- bit
- bite
- black
- bleed
- block
- blood
- blow
- blue
- board
- boat
- body
- boil
- bone
- book
- border
- born
- borrow
- both
- bottle
- bottom
- bowl
- box
- boy
- branch
- brave
- bread
- break
- breakfast
- breathe
- bridge
- bright
- bring
- brother
- brown
- brush
- build
- burn
- business
- bus
- busy
- but
- buy
- by
[değiştir]- cake
- call
- can
- candle
- cap
- car
- card
- care
- careful
- careless
- carry
- case
- cat
- catch
- central
- century
- certain
- chair
- chance
- change
- chase
- cheap
- cheese
- chicken
- child
- children
- chocolate
- choice
- choose
- circle
- city
- class
- clever
- clean
- clear
- climb
- clock
- cloth
- clothes
- cloud
- cloudy
- close
- coffee
- coat
- coin
- cold
- collect
- colour
- comb
- come
- comfortable
- common
- compare
- complete
- computer
- condition
- continue
- control
- cook
- cool
- copper
- corn
- corner
- correct
- cost
- contain
- count
- country
- course
- cover
- crash
- cross
- cry
- cup
- cupboard
- cut
[değiştir]- dance
- danger
- dangerous
- dark
- daughter
- day
- dead
- decide
- decrease
- deep
- deer
- depend
- desk
- destroy
- develop
- die
- different
- difficult
- dinner
- direction
- dirty
- discover
- dish
- do
- dog
- door
- double
- down
- draw
- dream
- dress
- drink
- drive
- drop
- dry
- duck
- dust
- duty
[değiştir]- each
- ear
- early
- earn
- earth
- east
- easy
- eat
- education
- effect
- egg
- eight
- either
- electric
- elephant
- else
- empty
- end
- enemy
- enjoy
- enough
- enter
- equal
- entrance
- escape
- even
- evening
- event
- ever
- every
- everyone
- exact
- everybody
- examination
- example
- except
- excited
- exercise
- expect
- expensive
- explain
- extremely
- eye
[değiştir]- face
- fact
- fail
- fall
- false
- family
- famous
- far
- farm
- father
- fast
- fat
- fault
- fear
- feed
- feel
- female
- fever
- few
- fight
- fill
- film
- find
- fine
- finger
- finish
- fire
- first
- fit
- five
- fix
- flag
- flat
- float
- floor
- flour
- flower
- fly
- fold
- food
- fool
- foot
- football
- for
- force
- foreign
- forest
- forget
- forgive
- fork
- form
- fox
- four
- free
- freedom
- freeze
- fresh
- friend
- friendly
- from
- front
- fruit
- full
- fun
- funny
- furniture
- further
- future
[değiştir]- game
- garden
- gate
- general
- gentleman
- get
- gift
- give
- glad
- glass
- go
- goat
- god
- gold
- good
- goodbye
- grandfather
- grandmother
- grass
- grave
- great
- green
- grey
- ground
- group
- grow
- gun
[değiştir]- hair
- half
- hall
- hammer
- hand
- happen
- happy
- hard
- hat
- hate
- have
- he
- head
- healthy
- hear
- heavy
- hello
- help
- heart
- heaven
- height
- hen
- her
- here
- hers
- hide
- high
- hill
- him
- his
- hit
- hobby
- hold
- hole
- holiday
- home
- hope
- horse
- hospital
- hot
- hotel
- house
- how
- hundred
- hungry
- hour
- hurry
- husband
- hurt
[değiştir]- ladder
- lady
- lamp
- land
- large
- last
- late
- lately
- laugh
- lazy
- lead
- leaf
- learn
- leave
- leg
- left
- lend
- length
- less
- lesson
- let
- letter
- library
- lie
- life
- light
- like
- lion
- lip
- list
- listen
- little
- live
- lock
- lonely
- long
- look
- lose
- lot
- love
- low
- lower
- luck.
[değiştir]- machine
- main
- make
- male
- man
- many
- map
- mark
- market
- marry
- matter
- may
- me
- meal
- mean
- measure
- meat
- medicine
- meet
- member
- mention
- method
- middle
- milk
- million
- mind
- minute
- miss
- mistake
- mix
- model
- modern
- moment
- money
- monkey
- month
- moon
- more
- morning
- most
- mother
- mountain
- mouse
- mouth
- move
- much
- music
- must
- my.
[değiştir]- name
- narrow
- nation
- nature
- near
- nearly
- neck
- need
- needle
- neighbour
- neither
- net
- never
- new
- news
- newspaper
- next
- nice
- night
- nine
- no
- noble
- noise
- none
- nor
- north
- nose
- not
- nothing
- notice
- now
- number.
[değiştir]- obey
- object
- ocean
- of
- off
- offer
- office
- often
- oil
- old
- on
- one
- only
- open
- opposite
- or
- orange
- order
- other
- our
- out
- outside
- over
- own.
[değiştir]- page
- pain
- paint
- pair
- pan
- paper
- parent
- park
- part
- partner
- party
- pass
- past
- path
- pay
- peace
- pen
- pencil
- people
- pepper
- per
- perfect
- period
- person
- petrol
- photograph
- piano
- pick
- picture
- piece
- pig
- pin
- pink
- place
- plane
- plant
- plastic
- plate
- play
- please
- pleased
- plenty
- point
- poison
- police
- polite
- pool
- poor
- popular
- position
- possible
- potato
- pour
- power
- present
- press
- pretty
- prevent
- price
- prince
- prison
- private
- prize
- probably
- problem
- produce
- promise
- proper
- protect
- provide
- public
- pull
- punish
- pupil
- push
- put.
[değiştir]- radio
- rain
- rainy
- raise
- reach
- read
- ready
- real
- really
- receive
- record
- red
- remember
- remind
- remove
- rent
- repair
- repeat
- reply
- report
- rest
- restaurant
- result
- return
- rice
- rich
- ride
- right
- ring
- rise
- road
- rob
- rock
- room
- round
- rubber
- rude
- rule
- ruler
- run
- rush.
[değiştir]- sad
- safe
- sail
- salt
- same
- sand
- save
- say
- school
- science
- scissors
- search
- seat
- second
- see
- seem
- sell
- send
- sentence
- serve
- seven
- several
- sex
- shade
- shadow
- shake
- shape
- share
- sharp
- she
- sheep
- sheet
- shelf
- shine
- ship
- shirt
- shoe
- shoot
- shop
- short
- should
- shoulder
- shout
- show
- sick
- side
- signal
- silence
- silly
- silver
- similar
- simple
- single
- since
- sing
- sink
- sister
- sit
- six
- size
- skill
- skin
- skirt
- sky
- sleep
- slip
- slow
- small
- smell
- smile
- smoke
- snow
- so
- soap
- sock
- soft
- some
- someone
- something
- sometimes
- son
- soon
- sorry
- sound
- soup
- south
- space
- speak
- special
- speed
- spell
- spend
- spoon
- sport
- spread
- spring
- square
- stamp
- stand
- star
- start
- station
- stay
- steal
- steam
- step
- still
- stomach
- stone
- stop
- store
- storm
- story
- strange
- street
- strong
- structure
- student
- study
- stupid
- subject
- substance
- successful
- such
- sudden
- sugar
- suitable
- summer
- sun
- sunny
- support
- sure
- surprise
- sweet
- swim
- sword.
[değiştir]- table
- take
- talk
- tall
- taste
- taxi
- tea
- teach
- team
- tear
- telephone
- television
- tell
- ten
- tennis
- terrible
- test
- than
- that
- the
- their
- then
- there
- therefore
- these
- thick
- thin
- thing
- think
- third
- this
- though
- threat
- three
- tidy
- tie
- title
- to
- today
- toe
- together
- tomorrow
- tonight
- too
- tool
- tooth
- top
- total
- touch
- town
- train
- tram
- travel
- tree
- trouble
- true
- trust
- twice
- try
- turn
- type.
[değiştir]- wait
- wake
- walk
- want
- warm
- wash
- waste
- watch
- water
- way
- we
- weak
- wear
- weather
- wedding
- week
- weight
- welcome
- well
- west
- wet
- what
- wheel
- when
- where
- which
- while
- white
- who
- why
- wide
- wife
- wild
- will
- win
- wind
- window
- wine
- winter
- wire
- wise
- wish
- with
- without
- woman
- wonder
- word
- work
- world
- worry
- worst
- write
- wrong.