İçeriğe atla


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Modül belgelemesi [Düzenle] [Tazele]

local export = {}
local consonants = {
	['ക']='k', ['ഖ']='kh', ['ഗ']='g', ['ഘ']='gh', ['ങ']='ṅ', 
	['ച']='c', ['ഛ']='ch', ['ജ']='j', ['ഝ']='jh', ['ഞ']='ñ', 
	['ട']='ṭ', ['ഠ']='ṭh', ['ഡ']='ḍ', ['ഢ']='ḍh', ['ണ']='ṇ', 
	['ത']='t', ['ഥ']='th', ['ദ']='d', ['ധ']='dh', ['ന']='n', 
	['പ']='p', ['ഫ']='ph', ['ബ']='b', ['ഭ']='bh', ['മ']='m', 
	['യ']='y', ['ര']='r', ['ല']='l', ['വ']='v', 
	['ശ']='ś', 	['ഷ']='ṣ', ['സ']='s', ['ഹ']='h',
	['ള']='ḷ', ['ഴ']='ḻ',  ['റ']='ṟ' , ['ഩ']='ṉ' , ['ഺ']='ṯ' ,

local diacritics = {
	['\224\181\129\224\181\141'] = 'ŭ',
	['\224\180\190'] = 'ā' ,
	['\224\180\191'] = 'i' ,
	['\224\181\128'] = 'ī' ,
	['\224\181\129'] = 'u' ,
	['\224\181\130'] = 'ū' ,
	['\224\181\131'] = 'r̥' ,
	['\224\181\132'] = 'r̥̄' ,
	['\224\181\134'] = 'e' ,
	['\224\181\135'] = 'ē' ,
	['\224\181\136'] = 'ai',
	['\224\181\138'] = 'o' ,
	['\224\181\139'] = 'ō' ,
	['\224\181\151'] = 'au',
	['\224\181\162'] = 'l̥ ',
	['\224\181\163'] = 'l̥̄' ,
	--virama, supresses the inherent vowel "a"
	['\224\181\141'] = '',
	-- no diacritic
	[''] = 'a'

local nonconsonants = {
	-- vowels
	['അ']='a' , ['ആ']='ā' , ['ഇ']='i' , ['ഈ']='ī' , ['ഉ']='u' , ['ഊ']='ū' , 
	['ഋ']='r̥' , ['ൠ']='r̥̄' , ['ഌ']='l̥' , ['ൡ']='l̥̄', ['എ']='e' , ['ഏ']='ē' ,
	['ഐ']='ai' , ['ഒ']='o' , ['ഓ']='ō' , ['ഔ']='au' ,
	-- other symbols
	['ം']='ṃ', -- anusvara
	['ഃ']='ḥ' ,  -- visarga
	['ഽ']='’', -- praślēṣam
	-- chillus, consonants that never take vowels
	['ൺ']='ṇ' , ['ൻ']='n' , ['ർ']='r' , ['ൽ']='l' , ['ൾ']='ḷ' , ['ൿ']='k' ,
	-- digits
	['൦'] = '0', ['൧'] = '1', ['൨'] = '2', ['൩'] = '3', ['൪'] = '4',
	['൫'] = '5', ['൬'] = '6', ['൭'] = '7', ['൮'] = '8', ['൯']= '9',
	['൰']='10', ['൱']='100', ['൲']='1000', ['൳']='¼', ['൴']='½', ['൵']='¾',

-- translit any words or phrases
function export.tr(text, lang, sc)
	local VIRAMA = '്'
	-- final virama rules
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, VIRAMA .. "$", VIRAMA .. "ŭ")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, VIRAMA .. " ", VIRAMA .. "ŭ ")
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(
		function(c, d)
			return consonants[c] .. (diacritics[d] or d)
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, '.', nonconsonants)
	-- anusvara
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([kgṅ])', 'ṅ%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([cjñ])', 'ñ%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([ṭḍṇ])', 'ṇ%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([tdn])', 'n%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, 'ṃ([pbm])', 'm%1')
	text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, "ŭ ([aāiīuūeo])", " \1") -- ŭ is elided before vowels
	return text
return export